Ultimate Reset Day 6


Well today did not go as expected, but I did keep up with my ultimate reset eating plan! I’m still experiencing swelling even though the infection is gone. Looks like I will have some conversations next week about implant removal as well as doing tests to rule out inflammatory breast cancer. I’ll keep you posted.

My back pain is pretty much completely gone. YAY!! Not a lot of aches and pains in my body from the detox. (Just the issues with my chest.) I am not craving junk food. The only thing that’s been hard is when we leave the house I find myself wanting to stop and get a coffee. Pat and I like to drink coffee together when we are out and about. I was tired at the hospital but I was bored in a small room hooked up to monitors. When I got home I was emotionally drained and felt like I needed to sleep for days. I’m honestly so glad I am taking care of my body with healthy foods so I can help my body prepare for what’s to come and help it heal.

Let’s Talk Food

Breakfast for day six was not my favorite. It consisted of baked tempeh with a marinade, steamed spinach, and avocado. I am allergic to avocados so I replaced that healthy fat with yogurt instead.


Lunch was delicious! Quinoa salad, micro greens salad, and toasted pumpkin seeds. The only picture I got was me eating it in the hospital.

Dinner was absolutely out of this world! It was a roasted root medley, and zucchini-cashew soup. Olivia made it so it was ready when I got home! That’s what I love about these recipes; they are very, very easy to follow. I will post the recipes below. You’re welcome! ;)


Roasted Root Medley

1/4 medium-sized yam, washed and cut into 1-inch chunks
1/2 large carrot, washed and cut into 1-inch chunks
1/2 large beet, washed and cut into 1-inch chunks
1/4 yellow onion, peeled and cut into large wedges
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
salt to taste

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
2. In a bowl, toss all ingredients together. Spread on a cookie sheet and bake for 40-50 minutes or until tender. Turn once or twice to prevent burning.

Zucchini-Cashew Soup


1 large or 2 small zucchini, cut into chunks and steamed

1/4 cup raw cashews

1 – 2 tsp. Coconut Aminos (these are a soy alternative that you can get on Amazon or your local health foods store)

Himalayan sea salt and fresh ground pepper (to taste)

OPTIONAL: Herbal seasoning or fresh herbs, like basil or dill (to taste)

Soak cashews in enough water to cover for 1 hour; drain. 

Combine cashews, zucchini, coconut aminos, salt, pepper, and seasonings in a blender or food processor and mix until smooth, adding a small amount of water as needed for desired consistency (I like mine thick so I don’t add water). 

Pour into saucepan and reheat gently (if needed), but do not boil. Or, microwave for 20-30 seconds.

For chunky soup, add steamed chopped vegetables of your choice (optional). 

This can also be served cold and it tastes good. 

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset…..

is more than just a cleanse. Instead, it’s a 21-day process of eliminating certain foods and toxins from your diet, cleaning up your system, relaxing the nervous system, removing coffee, and providing antioxidant support for the immune system.* It's not designed to be easy. It's designed to work. You'll learn to shop for, prepare, and enjoy healthy, nutritious meals as you follow a carefully designed eating plan and supplement program.

After just 21 days, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset can help you feel dramatically better, stronger, and healthier—physically, mentally, and emotionally.*

— In 21 days, Ultimate Reset can —

• Help your body's detoxification process*
• Help you lose weight safely*
• Help improve energy*
• Help improve key measures of good health*
• Help support regularity*


FEELING GREAT on Day 7 & 8 of Ultimate Reset


Ultimate Reset: Days 4&5 (and my health update)