Ultimate Reset: Days 4&5 (and my health update)

Brace yourself!!!! Day four of the Ultimate Reset was a little rough for me.

If you remember from my other post, I was fighting what seemed to be an infection and I was on an antibiotic (…which is one of the reasons I wanted to do this detox/reset). As soon as I came off the antibiotic, the redness started coming back. It’s a mystery because I went to the doctor and they did blood tests, urine tests, scans, and they found nothing! My next step will be seeing my oncologist and my surgeon to see if there is something up with my breast implant.

As for aches and pains, my chest wall is still sore from whatever is going on there and my back has still been hurting. I am finding out that many people suffer from backaches when they do a detox. Many people say that once the toxins start leaving certain spots in the body, especially if there have been previous injuries spots) the body will actually try to heal itself once the toxins release and that can be painful. I injured my back years ago from power lifting so maybe that is what is going on. One doctor ordered an X-ray and found that the cushion between my vertebrae is wearing down due to powerlifting and now aging. (Ouch :) )

Let me tell you that what they say about emotions surfacing during a detox is TRUE!!! I was still tired yesterday and my emotions were surfacing so I had my fair share of crying. Of course I am a little run down from all the unknowns with my chest and the floodgates opened! I had a few good cries with Pat and also some all by myself. It honestly felt so good getting it all out. That’s why we have to focus on being healthy: body soul and spirit!

Now let’s get to good good stuff! The food with my reset! I didn’t get many pictures yesterday because I was at the doctors, but Olivia was so sweet to prepare our meals for day four.

Breakfast was a mixed berry salad with Greek yogurt and a teaspoon of maple syrup. I noticed the sugar from the fruit gave me some much needed energy to face everything yesterday.

Lunch was leftover Nori rolls, tempeh and veggies, and lentil-lime salad.


Dinner was stirfried veggies, a cucumber and tomato salad, and cooked quinoa. The portion sizes are big and very delicious!


Day 5

Day 5 was MUCH MUCH better! What a difference!
Even though I woke up with a backache, it has gotten much better throughout the day.

This morning’s breakfast was SOOOOO delicious!! Wow! It tasted like a dessert! It was farina (cream of wheat, basically) with green apples, walnuts, and a whole tablespoon of maple syrup! I was quite pleased to see how much energy I had from just one little “treat” of maple syrup. I have not had any sugary junk foods all week so this 1 tablespoon changed my LIFE this morning!! Lol


I’m seeing how this program weans you off of sugar by having you eat a lot of healthy carbs at first. Then it transitions you into more fruits and veggies. It’s a slow and doable process and I can honestly say I have not had sugar cravings all week. I haven’t even had the headaches from going without coffee!! Shocking!

Lunch was especially fun because I shared some of our yummy recipes with Pat. He couldn’t believe how good the salad topped with grilled chicken and homemade dressing tasted. He said he hasn’t even had one that delicious in a restaurant lately! He was impressed. Score!!!


My lunch today consisted of a quinoa salad, 1/4 cup of hummus and a raw vegetable plate.


My Afternoon Snack

This is my NEW FAVORITE!!! Wow it’s so good!


1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology

1/4 Cup Frozen Organic Blueberries

4 Tsp Flaxseeds

1 Cup Distilled Water


Dinner is miso soup, a veggie stir fry, and brown rice.


Ultimate Reset Day 6


Ultimate Reset Day 3: Oh the Aches and Pains of Detoxing!