What Exactly IS Coaching?

Have You Heard the News?

I’m sure you know by now that I am a Beachbody coach. You most likely see me post my workouts and see the invites where I ask people if they want to do the same programs I do. For those who want to join me, I create challenge groups on Facebook and I also have a really cool app that I use. You probably see my posts and you might wonder if Rebecca is a part of a pyramid scheme or a get rich quick scam. Now come on….do you reeeeeally think I would want to be a part of one of those??? Naaaaaahhhh…… That is NOT what this is and as a matter of a fact, those things are ILLEGAL!!! Phew….so now that we have THAT question out of the way, let’s continue on!

So…..then what IS this coaching thing all about? Well, as I mentioned above, I simply do a workout and nutrition program (FROM HOME), I inspire on social media, and I create private groups and opportunities for people to join me. I do that over and over and over and I earn an income from it. Yes, it’s that simple!

I watched from the sidelines for a whole year before I took the plunge. I was scared and lacking self confidence that I could ever do what I saw “that one girl” on social media doing. I watched her post daily and she would go to events and she slowly climbed up the ladder of success. Something in me wanted to just watch and see if someone who lived just down the street from me could actually be successful. I was blown away not only by the success opportunity, but the thing that sealed the deal for me was the fact that she got a KILLER transformation after having 2 babies. I knew I needed the physical transformation as much as I wanted to jump into a business that looked fun and doable from HOME! OH and the TRIPS!!! (but I’ll get more into that later…)

My Backstory

I was a stay at home, homeschooling mom who LOVED being home with the kids but I was weary; almost depressed because I sooooo desired friendships and connections with other women. I spent all of my years as a mother making sure the KIDS were connected and doing well in school or in activities…I made sure THEY were a part of sports and co-ops and having fun with friends, but I was lacking that EXTRA thing for ME. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve always loved talking and connecting with homeschooling moms and helping each other figure out curriculums and all the things for the kiddos. But I wanted to have something OUTSIDE of homeschooling…something that could make ME feel alive and give me a purpose….and maybe even an income.

I DID have some hesitations…..like, what would people think? Would people think I am all about “body image and abs?” Would people judge me? What if I got on people’s nerves? Well……I learned that MOST people were HAPPY for me and MOST people thought I was doing something so great for myself and for others. MOST people knew I had battled for my life against breast cancer and they were THRILLED to see me taking care of my health and they actually wanted to JOIN me!!

Now, did I say ALL the people???? No. I did not say all. I’m sure there were some who decided to unfollow or mute me for various reasons and that’s ok. But I found that most people were struggling in the same areas I was and just wanted to feel good again. Most had a few extra pounds or maybe a lot of extra pounds they wanted to shed and they soon found out that I was using something that works, The wheel has not been reinvented with a gimmick or a weight loss pill. It’s nutrition and exercise! EVERYBODY needs THAT in their lives and THAT’S what caused me to have immediate success in this business.*

How I Found Success in My Business

I decided to do exactly what I saw my coach do….pick a program, show my friends on social media what I was doing on a daily basis, I got results, and people wanted to join me!! That simple. THAT’S WHERE THE FUN BEGINS!!!! Challengers jumped in, got results, and then THEY wanted to help others get results so they became coaches, too. The team started growing and numbers were literally being added daily, weekly, monthly and we started gathering together for workouts, then for trainings, and then before we knew it we were earning trips together! People of every age…young and older are getting healthy all because of coaches inspiring others and making a difference! I want to show you some of the clips from our team gathering and earned trips! SO! MUCH! FUN!!

Enough About Me…..What About YOU?

Are you watching from the sidelines curious? Are you longing for something to help pay the bills? Would the extra cash be a blessing to take your family on a NICE vacation? Do you have those debts and loans still hanging over your head and maaaaaaybe something like this would be just what you need to make some extra payments to get those bills paid off quicker?

I can’t even BEGIN to tell you how good it felt to tell my husband , “Oh don’t worry about how we are going to pay for that car repair or for the extra activities for the kids or even the mortgage….my Beachbody income will cover it.” The look on his face was like WHHHAAAAA??? Something he thought was just a little something to keep me occupied and happy turned into a huge blessing for our family.

How Much Time Does It Take?

That is all up to you. We train our team to at least dedicate one hour to their businesses. That could be all in one setting or in pockets throughout the day. I have literally seen fulltime nurses work in those pockets of time and eventually quit their nursing job to work their Beachbody business from home or a local coffee shop…or the park…..or wherever they can take their phones! (PERK!!!). They saw the benefits of PREVENTING health issues and diseases and even reaped the rewards of seeing their patients get stronger and healthier from adding these programs to their daily routines. Pretty amazing to see people feel better from the inside out!! While we can’t legally make medical claims, we do see person after person say they don’t feel pain in their joints. They don’t feel tired and lethargic. They have more energy and feel better in their older years than they ever did when they were younger. Those are all rewards that coaches get to reap! We see people’s lives changed and experiencing major health benefits on a daily basis. Literally!


Now, let me share some fun videos and stories from our team!

Ready To JOIN?

Here are a few ways to JOIN MY TEAM:

1- Sign up as a coach in addition to joining one of my challenge groups and I will get you started out with training right away!

2- Join a challenge group and give it everything you’ve got! Get results and simply start sharing what you did with others!

3- Email me directly and we can chat about your questions, concerns, what ifs, and excitement to become a part of something that has the potential to change your life FOREVAHHH!!!! rebeccathompson@gmail.com

*Beachbody nor I can guarantee any set amount of income as it is based on each individual’s ability, creativity, and work ethic.


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