How To Soothe Sore Muscles


Anyone feeling sore or hungry? If so, that’s GOOD! It means your program is working.

Because you’re pushing your body in new ways, you’re breaking down the muscle so it can rebuild stronger. This also helps explain why you’rei hungry, even if you’ve been following your nutrition plan to the T. When your body is in breakdown mode, it starts craving more nutrients. It’s all just part of the process to getting stronger and fitter!

So, what can we do for those sore, achy muscles?


Getting blood flow to those muscles and moving them every day will help tremendously!! Skipping a day because you feel you are too sore to work out will actually make the NEXT day worse! Trust me in’s so, so true!!

2- Warm ups and stretching are vital!

Before you work out, make sure you warm up those muscles and stretch. After your workout, do a proper cool down and stretching routine. Stretching will alleviate pain and also help prevent injury.

3-Epsom salt

Epsom salt baths will help soothe and relax achy muscles.


Drink lots of water to detox toxins built up in your muscles. Dehydration will actually make muscles MORE sore. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces a day for proper hydration. If you feel depleted in electrolytes you might also wanna give Beachbody’s Hydrate a try. Hydrate was created with an ideal balance of carbohydrates, electrolytes, and water for better fluid absorption. It's specifically formulated to replenish sweat losses and help improve exercise performance and endurance.

5- Massage

Massage or foam roll achy muscles. (Then make sure you hydrate immediately afterwards to detox those toxins that were released during the massage.)

6- Take an ice bath! 🥶

Yep! You heard me correctly. Ice baths will reduce inflammation and reduce irritation by about 20%!

7- Pain Relievers

If the pain is unbearable, you may have pushed a little too hard in your workout and caused minor injury. If necessary, take ibuprofen if the pain is intolerable. Ibuprofen is a muscle relaxer.

8- Nourish your body with nutrition

Drink your shake and eat according to your meal plan! Proper nourishment will give you more ⚡️energy⚡️and will fuel your body to keep moving instead of feeling “stagnant.” Feeling tired and lethargic will keep you sitting around which will cause the soreness to linger. Remember, moving is GOOD for sore muscles!!

9- Recover and Recharge

Recover and Recharge are both products in Beachbody’s Performance line that help with muscle recovery. Recover is used within 30 minutes after a workout to give quick and slow release of proteins into your muscles to heal and repair them. It also helps restore your strength after a hard workout. Recharge is taken before bedtime to help support muscle recovery, combat exercise induced soreness, and promote muscle growth.

Just remember, the beginning days of a new program are the hardest. After a week into it, you will feel stronger and your muscles will not ache as badly. Just don’t give up!! Your body will thank you later!! 💪🏻😎


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