Will You Be Strong Enough at 85?

Caleb was an 85 year old man in the Bible who was strong, vigorous, and eager to take the territory God had previously promised to him when he was 40 years old. Caleb was strong spiritually, emotionally, and physically and he was raring to go conquer all that God had for him and for his future generations! Wow…go, Caleb! (Joshua 14 and 15)

What made Caleb so strong? Well, Joshua 14:7 says that Caleb lived with “convictions” rather than succumbing to emotions. Caleb was spirit led and believed God above what he saw. Caleb stood strong in those convictions and obeyed.

What if this was a modern day scenario under modern day circumstances? What if Caleb lived in America, distracted, wasting time scrolling through social media and looking at the latest news headlines? Let’s say he didn’t take care of his physical body and was eating the modern day unhealthy diet and not exercising. What would his spiritual, mental and physical state be by the time he got to 85? Or even 65 for that matter?

I am asking myself, “What does it take to conquer territory at 85 years of age? What does that territory even look like? Where do I need to be spiritually, emotionally, and even physically to conquer all that God wants me to conquer all the years of my life?”

Can I simplify for you the 3 basics of a strong and healthy lifestyle that will carry us even in old age?

  • Daily time spent with God in His word

  • Meditate on the word so it becomes greater than my emotions or what my eyes see

  • Take care of my physical body with exercise and healthy nutrition

If I am doing those 3 things, I will be doing my part to grow even stronger spiritually. I’ll have control over my emotions rather than my emotions controlling me and causing physical ailments. And I’ll be physically healthy and have the energy to accomplish all that God has for me to accomplish.

Where do you need to strengthen yourself? Is it in your spiritual connection with God? Is it in allowing God’s promises to triumph over your emotions? Is it in your commitment to your physical body to care for it and strengthen it so you are strong enough to physically carry out the mission God has for you?

God, would you please convict us in the areas where we need to be stronger? Help us to see this life from Your perspective and know that each and every day is ordained by You, with a divine assignment for us to complete. Let us see Your purpose for placing us right where we are for such a time as this! May we be the vessels you choose to carry out Your mission to expand the kingdom of heaven. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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