Satan Fell....Who Praises God Now?

Comparison tends to make us copycat what we see someone else doing. We sometimes forsake our originality and the purpose and giftings God uniquely gave to us. Comparison in its worst form makes us doubt ourselves and feel like we need to be like someone else in order to be happy and content. It could make us so competitive to be better than another person that we find ourselves obsessed. It could lead us to a place of not only wanting what someone else has or do what they are doing, but it could make us envious, jealous, and determined to out do that other person. It drives us to want to conquer something or even someone we were never meant to conquer.

This is what happened to satan when he not only wanted to be like God; he wanted to BE God. Instead of doing the thing he was created to do, which was to worship God in the most glorious and exquisite ways, he decided he wanted to BE worshipped. His desire was to overthrow God and take His seat on the throne. We know that didn’t last and God evicted satan and his followers from heaven and we know from the Bible that God’s ultimate destination for him is destruction in an eternal lake of fire.

God had a plan. Nothing surprises God and God created another way to be worshipped. He created humans. He created us in the image of Himself and called us treasured above ALL creation. God loves us like none other, so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for us to cover and pay the price for our flaws and mistakes. Jesus didn’t die for satan and the fallen angels. He died for mankind. God made a way for us to be with Him for all eternity and to worship in a more beautiful manner than satan could ever even IMAGINE. We worship God in humility and honor with our knees bowed down and our hands lifted high. We worship God with our hearts, souls, our minds, even our strength. We worship with hot tears flowing down our faces crying out “holy is the Lord God almighty.” We come undone in the presence of God and lift a song of praise unto our true King. God MADE us for worship and for the purpose to glorify the Lord of all lords for all eternity.

What will you do with this in your next quiet time with Him? What will you do with this the next time you are gathered with other believers to sing songs of praise and adoration to our victorious God? Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb that was slain to take on the punishment of sin for all of mankind throughout all of history. Don’t you think He deserves our utmost attention, honor, and humble praise?

God even tells us how He wants to be worshipped. He tells us throughout the Bible to lift holy hands, clap our hands, shout to God with praise on our lips. He tells us to sing a new song, to dance, and make music on many kinds of instruments. The Bible says to let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Sometimes our praise and worship can even come from simply being who God made us to be. In other words, it’s in our being, our very existence, and living our lives in honor of Him in addition to our doing.

Sit and meditate on the fact that satan was the most beautiful angel created to worship God and now it’s OUR JOB to give God the most magnificent worship and praise. Are you fulfilling that calling effectively and sufficiently? NO wonder satan hates us and wants to destroy us. At the very least, he wants to distract us from erupting in an ovation of applause and adoration. It’s no wonder why he wants to kill babies in the womb before they have a chance to willingly offer their praise to God.

Do you know what else satan hates? He hates that God actually gives us glory as we honor God and give Him glory. God makes us radiate in holiness and righteousness when we are in HIs presence. Wow….pause and think about that!! Who do you know that radiates because they are living their lives for Christ and are bringing glory unto His Name?

Let’s live our lives for God! Let’s walk in our calling to worship and cry aloud just how grandiose and magnificent our God truly is! Let’s get our eyes off of mere humans and crush those unhealthy and meaningless comparisons because we weren’t meant to live with a human as our god nor as our goal to r accomplishment. We may have mentors to teach us to look to God and that’s well and good. But the moment we try to be like another human in order to find our purpose, our contentment, or fulfillment, instead of becoming like Christ, we have missed the purpose of our existence.


Forgive Them


Shame From Your Past Mistakes