Rescue Them From a House of Demons

Some people choose to live in a house filled with demons.

GASP!! Rebecca! That terminology is so offensive. How could you say something like that? That is so blunt!!

Because it’s the very root of what is causing so many people such pain and turmoil and they desperately need to be set free.

Many (actually the Bible says most) are on a wide road that leads to destruction and that destruction takes root here on planet earth. We live with sins and addictions, chasing after temporary pleasures that ultimately destroy both body and soul, yet many of us are “careful” to not point out or even say the word “demons” lest one get offended?? If we want to help the people around us overcome that kind of darkness, then it is imperative that we identify the root of their problem. That root is the kingdom of darkness which is ruled by demons.

Mark 1:24 Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else- to the nearby villages- so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” So He traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.

Did you know that we could love Jesus yet stay stuck in our current, sickly and dark situations because we don’t choose Him over our worldly desires and pleasures? We don’t see freedom because, although we love Jesus, we haven’t taken Him seriously enough to learn how to overcome the power of the enemy by wielding our sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God; the Bible) and defeating the devils with truth. We allow the cravings of the flesh to rule our lives instead of praying and asking God’s powerful and victorious Holy Spirit to come in and become the greater Pleasure. We have to actually ask God to change our desires so that we crave Him instead of the very thing that is choking life out of us.

Do you know how to assess the fruit in your life? Can you discern what is coming from the kingdom of darkness verses the Kingdom of God? This discernment is the first step towards your freedom in Christ; identifying who or what is in charge of your life, your home, and your environment. Do you want to follow Christ and come out of your world of darkness to actually live in the light with Jesus? Some are so comfortable in the pit of darkness that they stay there and never come out to the invitation to follow Jesus. Sadly, they would rather stay where they are.

Lord, I pray for those who are held captive to the enemy and don’t even realize that they are bound by demons. I pray that You open their eyes to see that there is a Kingdom of light….a Kingdom of wellness and LIFE! In Your presence is the fullness of JOY and HOPE! You bring life to the withered soul. You bring purpose to the depressed and weary traveler. You chase away darkness because You ARE light and in You there is no darkness to be found.

May we be bold as You were to love and tell the world of Your Kingdom. May we have discernment to know when we need to drive out demons with the scriptures or when need to give a helping hand in love or when we need to teach and explain the good news of salvation. God, please help us walk with You and do what You are doing every moment of every day so many, many more will be rescued from the hand of satan.

May we be the “seed spreaders” and may the seeds of truth take root so more people will be saved and live the abundant life You have available for those who love and follow You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Do You Feel Disliked?


They May Laugh or Not Understand; Stay Strong and Courageous Anyway